Clan Points for Non-Members//Training Camp (in General)

Will [Retired] October 12 2005 9:59 AM EDT

How about if the people with 'application decision pending' status could still make clan points for their chosen clan, with the proviso that the points don't actually contribute towards the clan score?
This would give the clan owners/leaders the benefit of seeing how well each applicant is doing before accepting them, and the applicants the opportunity to prove themselves.

For coding purposes the applicant would have to be pseudo accepted into the clan so that a point score could be calculated, but then their points not being added to the total. Their scores would be greyed out along with what the total would be with them accepted.
Another figure could show the total negative contribution for that character (a indication of the amount of farming going on). However, this final part means the player would have to be formally accepted into the clan on a temporary basis, and Im not sure if that is worthwhile.

Any comments? Good or bad idea? Thanks for reading dudes! :)
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