hammer killem
October 12 2005 2:22 PM EDT
what is the number in parentheses beside the rating of an enchantment?
October 12 2005 2:27 PM EDT
It is the "effect" of the spell. In the case of Haste, it is the amount of dexterity that gets added to all minions. (unless I am really rusty).
Tenchi Muyo
October 12 2005 2:28 PM EDT
That number is the actual effect it has. In the case of Haste, it's how much DX each minion will get, as long as the enemy doesn't have Dispel Magic.
hammer killem
October 12 2005 2:44 PM EDT
is there a need or reason to increase/decrease the number in parentheses or even a reason to pay attention to it? if so , how?
Not unless you actually want more DEX on your minions.
you can train DEX to increase the DEX on that one minion or you can train HASTE to increase the DEX on all of your minions ...
The more you train either of the above two the higher the effect... clearer?
October 12 2005 3:09 PM EDT
hammer, you do know that archery only works on bows?
October 12 2005 3:35 PM EDT
And, Bloodlust and Fireball don't work well together either. :)
Do you have a mentor?
I have a whole bunch. They're really helpful man. They realized I make nubs like skilled. If you'd like a little help man, swing over to my thread about being blocked. Should be close to yours near the top.
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