Xeamoz forging for chappy (in Public Record)

chappy [Soup Ream] October 14 2005 11:28 AM EDT

Xeamoz has agreed to forge my TGs for 24 hours adding as much as he can in that time at a rate of 70% NW difference.

chappy (Chappy) Xeamoz (Xeamoz) Darksteel Fists ($568563) -- forge @ 70% 11:23 AM EDT

START: Darksteel Fists [6] (+14) 568,563

Retired00 October 14 2005 11:43 AM EDT

I will be adding a +2 then I will return them. (he sent them permanently by mistake)
Thank you.

Retired00 October 15 2005 9:13 AM EDT

Added a +2. Recieved 600k and returned the item
Thank you
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