Photographers snip-snap... (in Contests)

QBBarzooMonkey October 15 2005 12:39 AM EDT

1. ,,,Take your time, she's only burning

2. <--------------------------------------------------

3. Unicorns & big red baddies...

Adrian Exodus October 15 2005 1:15 AM EDT

1. Brian Eno - Baby's On Fire
2. Bryan ferry and roxy music
3. Legend

i don't really know how to describe the link but Bryan Ferry song Is Your Love Strong Enough is in legend and both brian and bryan where part of roxy music...hope thats enough to win..

Wonderpuff October 15 2005 1:30 AM EDT

2) Roxy Music
3) The Last Unicorn

QBBarzooMonkey October 15 2005 6:09 AM EDT

That's basically it - Adrian Exodus wins!

JuJuLizard Rex (Princess WonderDog) Adrian Exodus (adrian exodus) $50000 -- Winner! 6:06 AM EDT

Adrian Exodus October 15 2005 6:30 AM EDT

yay so that means i won the Pop Culture Tri-Bond and i get 50k and a free naming? sweet! :D
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