You can't be saved... (in Contests)

QBBarzooMonkey October 19 2005 4:47 PM EDT

1. Oblivion is all you crave...

2. <---------------------------------------

3. Tom Cruise had That Hypnotizing Boogie, and was 1., but never on vinyl...

Tezmac October 19 2005 5:20 PM EDT

Robert Palmer

David Wilcox

Tom Cruise in Cocktail

Both the above artists had a song on the soundrack for the movie.

Tezmac October 19 2005 5:23 PM EDT

Robert Palmer - Addicted to Love

David Wilcox

Tom Cruise in Cocktail

Both the above artists had a song on the soundrack for the movie.

QBBarzooMonkey October 19 2005 5:24 PM EDT

Almost, soooooooo close... :)

Tezmac October 19 2005 5:30 PM EDT

Robert Palmer - Addicted to Love

David Wilcox

Tom Cruise in Cocktail

Both the above artists had a song on the soundrack for the movie. David Wilcox sang "That Hypnotizing Boogie."

QBBarzooMonkey October 19 2005 5:36 PM EDT

I'm going to call it close enough - both songs were played in the movie, but neither one was on the "official" soundtrack release.

Tezmac wins!

JuJuLizard Rex (The Wonka Factory) Tezmac (Tezmac) $50000 -- Winner! 5:34 PM EDT

Tezmac October 19 2005 5:40 PM EDT


I love these contests but I'm never quick enough, guess there aren't too many people logged on now. :O) Looking forward to the next one!

Maelstrom October 19 2005 6:33 PM EDT

Gah! I was away for a contest that I knew the answer to without googling!
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