Lizards or Monkeys? (in Off-topic)

QBBarzooMonkey October 20 2005 7:49 AM EDT

To Monkey or not to Monkey, that is the question. Whether it is nobler to be a Lizard.....

Okay, so my 30 day name change wait is up now, but I'm not sure if I want to go back to being BarzooMonkey after all.

Not that anyone but me really cares, but I thought I'd throw it out here anyways - should I stay JuJuLizard Rex, or go back to being BarzooMonkey?

48Zach October 20 2005 7:53 AM EDT

how bout something totally different?? like...... Monkey_Man??

sssimmo October 20 2005 7:56 AM EDT

Everyone (well I can't speak for everyone so I will just speak for myself only) knows you as BarzooMonkey. BUT JuJu is a cool name.

So I put one vote forward for [stop_confusing_the_crap_out_of_sssimmo]BarzooMonkey

48Zach October 20 2005 8:01 AM EDT

why not a mix of both then?? JuJu_Monkey?

sssimmo October 20 2005 8:02 AM EDT


QBBarzooMonkey October 20 2005 10:45 AM EDT

Gaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! I did it.... :P
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