abbreviations (in General)

Vicious Cat October 22 2005 2:49 AM EDT

Probably the wrong forum, but what are 'insta' and 'p/p' in FS/WTB?



CoolWater October 22 2005 2:58 AM EDT

"insta" is making an instant upgrade to your gears. Trading your item for a better one with another player by paying him a certain % fee of the networth difference.

p/p = pay plans

Vicious Cat October 22 2005 3:13 AM EDT

brilliant thanks :-)


[T]Vestax October 22 2005 5:40 AM EDT

What's this 'ToBF' people refer to everyone once in a great while? I hear very little talk about it but I here people say that it sucks. I assume what they mean is that it sucks that it's so overpowered. Yeah, that's got to be what they intend to say. Could someone please clarify what this 'ToBF' thing is and should I get one instead of a CoBF?

48Zach October 22 2005 5:45 AM EDT

A ToBF is a tattoo of Balrog Flame. There is no more Cloak of Balrog Flame , Jon replaced them with that tattoo

[T]Vestax October 22 2005 5:54 AM EDT

I'm shocked to get a straight sincere answer to that completely ridiculous question.
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