loan with Shinobu (in Public Record)

St00pidSucks October 23 2005 3:22 PM EDT

shin loaned me 50k yesterday (October 23)and i have to pay her back today (24th) but may need to borrow more money, and pay her back in about a week or so. most i will need is 300k, will post if i borrow more money from her

St00pidSucks October 23 2005 3:35 PM EDT

shin just gave me an additional 90k (for a total of 140k) and we have agreed that i will pay her back by Wednesday or i will have to pay interest (interest rate pending)

St00pidSucks October 23 2005 3:38 PM EDT

almost forgot to post the conversation

=> Shinobu_the_Nekogirl so if im outbid, would you be willing to loan me a maximum of 300k, and pay you back around Wednesday or Thursday?
<Shinobu_the_Nekogirl> that's 140 k now
<Shinobu_the_Nekogirl> If you don't pay by Wednesday
<Shinobu_the_Nekogirl> I will start charging you interest
<Shinobu_the_Nekogirl> Do you understand?
=> Shinobu_the_Nekogirl i understand fully
<Shinobu_the_Nekogirl> good
=> Shinobu_the_Nekogirl how much interest?
<Shinobu_the_Nekogirl> that all depends on how much you pay
<Shinobu_the_Nekogirl> and how fast

St00pidSucks October 24 2005 3:25 AM EDT

payed shin back the total 140k today (Monday). thanks again shin :-D
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