So who else has kept up on Jack Thompson news? (in Off-topic)

Vaynard [Fees Dirt Cheap] October 24 2005 1:24 AM EDT

I am sure I'm not the only one on here that considers him or herself a gamer here on CB2. Who else has been following the Jack Thompson ordeal? Anyone else disgusted, annoyed, and yet strangely interested? It's like a train wreck, you shouldn't watch, but seriously, how many times do you get to watch a train wreck!?!

If you don't know the backstory, here's a brief summary. Jack Thompson, Florida lawyer and anti-videogame-violence crusader, is not liked much. He's an outspoken critic of anyone having anything to do with videogames, and doesn't care if this means criticizing Walmart and Best Buy, or insulting the people playing the games, or the people making the games. What really started things up was when he sent out letters to different media sources saying he would pay $10,000 to a charity if someone made him a highly-violent game. Of course, people did. But Jack claimed it was simply satire. So the guys at Penny Arcade donated 10k in Jack's name to a charity. Now he's threatening legal action against them, and everything's a mess. It's quite silly sounding really.

But yeah, I was just thinking about that and thought I'd see what anyone else thought? I wonder if CB makes me more violent since via CB I practice fighting hundreds of times a day? I'm quite the violent one here. So what do you guys think of Mr Thompson? Just curious, and please, let's be PG and as respectful as possible.

gooey muppet October 24 2005 4:56 AM EDT

You can also check out The Jack Thompson e-mail segment on for more of his hilarious insanity.

Adrian Exodus October 24 2005 5:00 AM EDT

...../me is in the ignore phase

a little late on this news but yeah.
he never actually sent the email to the Seattle police he just sent it to everyelse so they would keep talking about him, so just ignore him and let the Florida legal bar deal with him.

QBJohnnywas October 24 2005 5:03 AM EDT

I think computer games make me more violent certainly. This morning on the way to work someone pushed me out of the way to get a seat. So I pulled on my Alatar's gloves and hit him with a fireball...

I think it's rubbish, this connection between the games and increased violence. What do people mean increased violence in the world? Was World War Two caused by computer games? How about the thousands of years men (and women) have killed each other? People who are going to be violent will be; and if people have mental problems it could be anything that sets them off.

Computer games were to the past ten years what video nasties were to the eighties. There will be something else to blame; there always is....
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