Maelstrom // IndependenZ character sale (in Public Record)

Maelstrom October 24 2005 3:45 PM EDT

IndependenZ is buying my character Vainamoinen for 2mil $cb2 on a 2 week playplan, with about 550k upfront. Once confirmed, I will send over the character.

IndependenZ October 24 2005 3:50 PM EDT

IndependenZ (Endeavor) Maelstrom (Murcielago) $550000 -- For Vainamoinen 3:48 PM EDT

I've sent the first chunk of money to Murcielago. I hereby confirm this deal. I'll make 5 payments of 300k, the 5th being 350k, all being paid as soon as possible. I owe 1,55mil to Maelstrom now.

Maelstrom October 24 2005 4:00 PM EDT

Well, Indie needs to retire a character before I can send it... ;)

Maelstrom October 24 2005 5:59 PM EDT

And the character has been sent - enjoy it! :)

IndependenZ October 25 2005 10:33 AM EDT

IndependenZ (Vainamoinen) Maelstrom (Murcielago) $1550000 10:31 AM EDT

Here's your cash! Thank you for sending the character so quickly! =D
And I'm very grateful to Skunk, that was once his money. Kudos to little brothers!

IndependenZ October 25 2005 10:43 AM EDT

My god, it really is quite apparent how bad I am at mathematics!

2mil-550k=1,45mil... Uhm, Maelstrom, not to be a annoying but, could I have that spare 100k back? I'll chatmail you about it too.

*hides in a dark corner, ashamed of himself*

Maelstrom October 25 2005 11:53 AM EDT

Woops, just noticed this thread - that's why I was so rich! Here you go:

Maelstrom (Murcielago) IndependenZ (Vainamoinen) $100000 -- refund :p 11:51 AM EDT

And thanks, you're all paid off. Thread closed.
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