Nixon Jibfest
October 24 2005 8:17 PM EDT
Black Market Voting Guide
Alatar's Glove
Vote Now
Nixon Jibfest
October 25 2005 9:32 AM EDT
Pair of Alatar's Gloves 63.9%
-- 53 votes needed
Another Alatar's Gloves or Corn?
Speak up now.
AdminG Beee
October 25 2005 9:43 AM EDT
IMO it's gotta be a corn next, and again, and again... :)
October 25 2005 9:54 AM EDT
Corn, definitely. Corn, corn, corn. Get enough out there so that the price can drop a little.... some of us are poor.....
October 25 2005 10:16 PM EDT
The last Corn that spawned sold today for just 1.7mil...
But yes, we need more Corns!
Nixon Jibfest
October 26 2005 9:34 AM EDT
BMVG: Alatar's Glove
-- 39 more votes needed
Your wish comes true and a corn will be next on the BMVG, unfortunately, Jon nerfs the corn and makes it now gives 10% penalty to magic.
Nixon Jibfest
October 28 2005 11:33 AM EDT
BMVG: Alatar's
21 more votes needed
Nixon Jibfest
October 30 2005 9:22 AM EST
7 more votes needed
Let's see if we can get this out by the end of the day
Next: Corn.
/me pinches nose, not going to waste a vote on something I don't need :P
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