Can my brother play aswell? (in General)

insanity- October 31 2005 1:29 AM EST

I want to know if my brother can play aswell? He will be using the same IP being in the same house and all but he will be using another computer and can I refer him or will this be breaching my ToS?

bartjan October 31 2005 1:37 AM EST

Referring him most likely won't work anyway, because that won't work from the same IP.

Yes, of course your brother can play as well. Just make sure that you 2 don't appear to be a multi, so avoid any suspicious transfers between you and your brother, and have your brother play and discover this game on his own.

insanity- October 31 2005 1:49 AM EST

Ok thanks I just don't want my account to get banned I'm having a lot of fun playing this game even though it's only browser based.
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