CupOfJoe loan to Rommel (in Public Record)

Rommel [Darkest Hour] October 31 2005 6:57 PM EST

Cup of Joe loaned me 1,000,000
[SoM]CupofJoe (CB2 Bank) Rommel (Talo) $1000000 -- Long Term Loan 6:59 AM EST
with my FF as collateral:
Rommel (Talo) [SoM]CupofJoe (Superman Complex) A Fire Familiar ($164336) -- tattoo for collatera 7:03 AM EST

my installment record is as follows:

Rommel [Darkest Hour] October 31 2005 7:53 PM EST

Rommel (Talo) [SoM]CupofJoe (Superman Complex) $425000 -- installment 1 7:52 PM EST

Rommel [Darkest Hour] November 3 2005 8:07 PM EST

Rommel (Talo) [SoM]CupofJoe (Superman Complex) $575000 -- finalpayment on loan 8:06 PM EST
this completes payment on loan thx cup of joe!
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