Banned Vilkata, The Darkness, getinbent, Dope Army, SirSmokesSomePot (in Public Record)

bartjan November 1 2005 1:46 PM EST

Vilkata had a previous multi (Vilkata88), and now returned as Dope Army.
The Darkness started a non-PG outburst in chat, which was continued by his friend (or himself, who knows?) SirSmokesSomePot. While banning those, I noticed a user getinbent trying to work his way through the tutorial, so he (=Sir) could continue his conversation in chat. Didn't want to find out what he had to say.

There's also a clan 'SABRES ORDER' which used to be owned by Dope Army. All members (Sabre, NITRO, issacc95 and vahn117) are from that same IP. Still under investigation.
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