Help with changing active character. (in General)

MaLicious [Ascendancy] November 2 2005 4:58 AM EST

Can someone help me? I have being to get in contact with bartjan but she is obviously afk. My problem is I can't change to my other character MagicStorage #02 to transfer my Lesser Fire Familar to my main character so at the moment i'm stuck with no familars on my main character. Thx for any help in advance.

RAMPAGE November 2 2005 5:03 AM EST

Try refreshing left window.
That seems to fix most of the bugs with the changes to the window.

MaLicious [Ascendancy] November 2 2005 5:06 AM EST

I have logged out and in twice and I can't fight aswell now :(

IndependenZ November 2 2005 5:07 AM EST

"I have being to get in contact with bartjan but she is obviously afk."

I believe Bartjan is a 'he' instead of a 'she'. About the problem, refreshing the left window might do it. Otherwise, you can try to log out, clear out your cookies, and log back in again.

MaLicious [Ascendancy] November 2 2005 5:09 AM EST

Ok like I said in my second post I have already logged out twice and out bartjan I was told by GoldFinger99 that bartjan was a she. Sorry to bartjan if I am incorrect. No offence meant.

bartjan November 2 2005 5:15 AM EST

She? My name is the combination of 2 obviously male first names, so it's save to assume I'm male...

I'm currently sitting behind a computer that has no Java (it's a DEC Alpha, so I'm not even going to try install it ;) so I can't access chat. Occasionally I look at Community->Chatmail, so that would have worked...

Make sure you have a browser that works 100% with CB; best supported one seems to be Firefox. The code that's used to change characters is very similar to code used in other parts of the site (including some things you also can't/won't avoid such as fighting), so a working browser is important.
If installing Firefox is not an option, then at least try the steps listed in FAQs->Web browser.

MaLicious [Ascendancy] November 2 2005 5:29 AM EST

Ok first of all apologies to bartjan I am sorry for thinking you were a female. Now second of all thanks I went to use my firefox browser and now it works fine :D.
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