Alleviation Riddle Contest (in Contests)

BrandonLP November 5 2005 4:21 PM EST

Come to Alleviation within the next thirty minutes and tell a riddle. If you manage to stump Leon and me, you win 10k from both of us. However, if either of us answer correctly, you don't win a dime. ;)

Feel free to pop on in and ask us as many riddles as you want.

BrandonLP November 5 2005 4:42 PM EST

Oh c'mon. We've had one participant and he has yet to stump us. =)

It's free* money, kids.

*provided you can stump us.

BrandonLP November 5 2005 5:38 PM EST

Contest is over for now. ;)

Thanks for everyone who participated and tried to stump us. The contest will resume tonight and will probably involve a 50k prize for someone who actually stumps us!
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