Rommel Sold IF to DemonTiger (in Public Record)

Rommel [Darkest Hour] November 7 2005 2:30 PM EST

rommel will level an Ice Familiar tattoo up, and sell it to demon tiger at 90k for the tatt, and 10k per 1k lvl i add... currently he wants four thousand.

DreadedTiger [4x20] (-x) November 7 2005 2:34 PM EST

Agreed. 100k down payment on it's way.

DreadedTiger [4x20] (-x) November 7 2005 2:49 PM EST

DemonTiger (Benares) Rommel (Talo) $120000 2:48 PM EST
DemonTiger (Benares) Rommel (Talo) $100000 2:34 PM EST

Paid in full.
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