loan from [som]cupofjoe to rommel (in Public Record)

Rommel [Darkest Hour] November 12 2005 1:04 PM EST

[som]cupofjoe is loaning rommel 6.25 million at the longterm loan interest rates. 5 million will be directly transfered to trigun(untouchable).
thx joe!

Rommel [Darkest Hour] November 12 2005 1:05 PM EST

modification, triguns character is: the shell bullet

[SoM]CupofJoe [Peoples Bank of Carnage] November 12 2005 1:28 PM EST

I confirm

Rommel [Darkest Hour] November 12 2005 1:41 PM EST

money recieved thx joe! : )

Rommel [Darkest Hour] November 15 2005 4:13 PM EST

Rommel (Volksbank) [SoM]CupofJoe (Superman Complex) $3000000 -- payment on loan... 4:12 PM EST
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