character Question (in General)

CmdrHawkeye November 23 2005 12:18 PM EST

Is it just me or is it harder to start up an additional character after you make you initial one when you sign up? I can't get anywhere with it and sometimes in battles I get no xp at all. How is the best way to train an additional character?

Bootsanator November 23 2005 12:23 PM EST

Well, if you are planning on not playing your current character anymore and want to try a new one, i would say just untrain all the experience on your current minions and retrain them as you want.

If you just want another character, i would ask, why? the best way to play is to pick a strategy that you enjoy and that works, and to kick some butt with it. :)

When i first signed up, i tried out several different strategies, and instead of untraining and continuing on, i started new characters; i wish i hadn't, that is some time that i can never make up, heh.

QBJohnnywas November 23 2005 12:35 PM EST

I would also read the section in the Wiki on 'strategy'. If you base a new character on one of those until you get a better understanding of how the various elements work together you'll find you do better. Once you start working out your own strategies then you can change then.

Also if you are creating a team, check out how other players put their teams together. For instance Ranger's team The Apocalypse Book is a fairly classic way of putting together a tank team. There are lots of other ways of doing it but that's a known winner. Be warned: tank teams are expensive to run. If you just want to make some money first and climb up the ranks make a single fireball mage. That's also a surefire winner if a little bit boring.

A lot of the different variations are listed in the Wiki Strategy Guide.


CmdrHawkeye November 23 2005 1:52 PM EST

That is very helpful information ill keep it in mind, thank you for answering my question.
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