peterbackhome is selling me ToJ (in Public Record)

priceless gems November 26 2005 5:01 PM EST

peter back home is selling me a ToJ for 550k. im giving him 300k down and pay the rest off when i can and there will be no interest.

Peter at home November 26 2005 5:05 PM EST

confirmed. Where do I send ToJ?

priceless gems November 26 2005 5:09 PM EST

gems. thank you. cash sent.

priceless gems (Gems) Peter back home (TheUnexpected) $300000 5:08 PM EST

priceless gems November 26 2005 9:36 PM EST

priceless gems (Gems) Peter back home (TheUnexpected) $50000 -- only 200k left 9:35 PM EST

Peter at home November 28 2005 5:28 PM EST

Why have you sent me the ToJ?
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