Spid and gear sale results (in Public Record)

Synco November 28 2005 4:50 PM EST

The winners of this sale are NOT finalized yet.

This is just a thread to keep track of the current winners. BrandonLP will check which bids he will accept, and I will create another table announcing the winners.

1. A Pair of Displacement Boots [6] (+41) 1,686,663 2.2 mil -- miteke
2. A Pair of Elven Gloves [3] (+10) 373,884 500k p/p -- Black Rose
3. Supplementation [0] (+6)
  • Named Corn
  • 578,059 2.7 mil -- Locke
    4. Mark of Hellfire lvl 740,000
  • Named ToA
  • 14,607,364 6.5 mil -- Peter Back Home
    5. Frictulæs [80x70] (+63)
  • Named ELS
  • 8,417,479 2.7 mil -- colonel
    6. The Hammer of the Minotaur [84x75] (+50)
  • Named MH
  • 7,330,366 4.9 mil p/p -- Black Rose
    7. An Assassin's Crossbow [4x41] (+47) 5,436,211 2 mil -- Sir Leon
    8. An Elven Long Bow [6x55] (+38) 3,039,187 2 mil -- InebriatedArsonist
    9. An Elven Cloak [4] (+5) 56,020 275k -- chelon
    10. The Sigil of Awen lvl 267,120
  • Named RoS
  • 4,869,466 1.9 mil -- GentlemanLoser
    11. A Blade of Thuringwethil [73x47] (+29) 1,764,129 900k -- chelon
    12. An Elven Long Sword [80x21] (+10) 260,965 100k -- Hyrule Castle
    13. A Vorpal Blade [75x8] (+0) 52,396 150k -- [DT]DemonTiger
    14. An Elven Long Bow [6x30] (+15) 523,335 900k -- annuminas
    15. An Enforcer's Crossbow [4x12] (+11) 147,212 150k -- Lautaro
    16. A Combat Gi [1] (+38) 407,710
    17. A Tattoo of Jigorokano lvl 20,720 304,542 150k -- trigun
    18. A Tattoo of Jigorokano lvl 14,220 206,815 200k -- Karmic Mishap
    19. A Rune of Enlightenment lvl 20 11,030 300k -- Gilgamesh2090

    BrandonLP November 28 2005 4:54 PM EST

    I'll select winners later tonight due to me being extremely busy at the moment.

    I will say this much: Karmic Mishap will get the larger ToJ for 200k.

    Karmic Mishap [Soup Ream] November 28 2005 8:50 PM EST

    /me cheers
    I expected to be outbid... weird! Many thx. I'll send payment when details are up.. ^^

    BrandonLP November 28 2005 9:52 PM EST

    #1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 14, 19.

    Karmic, just send me the money for the larger ToJ and it's yours. For those of you who didn't win: Feel free to negotiate with me via CM.

    Once the money is sent, your item shall be on its way. For those of you offering p/ps, the item will _not_ be sent until the item is paid for in full.

    Gilgamesh2090 [NCB Shop] November 28 2005 10:31 PM EST

    Gilgamesh2090 (Gilgamesh) BrandonLP (Spid) $300000 -- RoE 10:30 PM EST

    InebriatedArsonist November 28 2005 10:33 PM EST

    InebriatedArsonist (Susan Death) BrandonLP (Gear Fund) $2000000 -- For the Elbow 10:33 PM EST

    colonel [penny pincher] November 28 2005 10:46 PM EST

    colonel (The Crew) BrandonLP (Gear Fund) $2700000 -- for big ELS 10:45 PM EST

    Locke November 29 2005 5:22 AM EST

    Locke (S2E) BrandonLP (Gear Fund) $2700000 5:21 AM EST

    annuminas [Serenity In Chaos] November 29 2005 5:31 AM EST

    annuminas (Ecthelion) BrandonLP (Gear Fund) $900000 -- #14 5:30 AM EST

    Peter at home November 29 2005 6:17 AM EST

    6.5 mil sent.

    Peter back home (TheUnexpected) BrandonLP (Gear Fund) $6500000 6:16 AM EST

    Karmic Mishap [Soup Ream] November 29 2005 12:03 PM EST

    Karmic Mishap (Chao Tipper) BrandonLP (Spid) $200000 -- for TOJ 12:03 PM EST

    Synco November 29 2005 8:39 PM EST

    1. A Pair of Displacement Boots [6] (+41) 1,686,663 2.2 mil miteke
    6. The Hammer of the Minotaur [84x75] (+50)
  • Named MH
  • 7,330,366 4.9 mil p/p Black Rose
    7. An Assassin's Crossbow [4x41] (+47) 5,436,211 2 mil Sir Leon
    11. A Blade of Thuringwethil [73x47] (+29) 1,764,129 900k chelon

    chelon November 29 2005 11:15 PM EST

    chelon (ElvenBlackMage) BrandonLP (Spid) $900000 -- Blade of Thuringweth 11:14 PM EST
    also i am the highest bid on #9 but it wasnt show on 2nd chart does that mean i didnt get it?

    BrandonLP November 29 2005 11:35 PM EST

    If I didn't list your number, the bid wasn't high enough.

    BrandonLP November 30 2005 12:43 AM EST

    Axbow has been sold to someone else due to a last minute change in p/p.

    miteke [Superheros] November 30 2005 8:07 AM EST

    Does this mean I won the DBs?

    Synco November 30 2005 2:46 PM EST


    Synco November 30 2005 2:53 PM EST

    1. A Pair of Displacement Boots [6] (+41) 1,686,663 2.2 mil miteke
    6. The Hammer of the Minotaur [84x75] (+50)
  • Named MH
  • 7,330,366 4.9 mil p/p Black Rose

    BrandonLP November 30 2005 2:56 PM EST

    miteke already paid.

    Black Rose November 30 2005 6:48 PM EST

    I almost have the money .Just wait a little more.Cash: $3,672,305

    Black Rose December 2 2005 6:43 AM EST

    Black Rose (Black Rose) BrandonLP (Spid) $4900000 -- for morgul
    This thread is closed to new posts. However, you are welcome to reference it from a new thread; link this with the html <a href="/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg.tcl?msg_id=001cXi">Spid and gear sale results</a>