Problem with auctions not returning bid money (in General)

Rathershady November 29 2005 12:48 PM EST

At 9:13 this morning I bid $615k for a MCM [28] (+25) . I was later outbid by Jonathan and ended up not winning the auction.

The problem is that my $615k was never returned to me. Anyone know why this might have happened? Any way to get my money back?

QBJohnnywas November 29 2005 12:50 PM EST

auctioneer (auctioneer) Rathershady (Ikijang) $615000 (outbid 41180) 11:32 AM EST

WeaponX November 29 2005 12:50 PM EST

auctioneer (auctioneer) Rathershady (Ikijang) $615000 (outbid 41180) 11:32 AM EST

Rathershady November 29 2005 2:20 PM EST

Well I logged back on and it still didn't show. So, according to a suggestion by Tezmac, I fought a bit then trained and it showed up. Oh well. Thanks Tezmac!!
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