Silly people with money... (in Off-topic)

FailBoat[SG] [Forever Alone] November 30 2005 7:26 PM EST

Got outbid on a Corn yet again... One of these days maybe. Still trying to get all my goods for my Enchanter, Mage and Tank all at once. Never realized how expensive it could be.

Maelstrom November 30 2005 7:29 PM EST

Do you mean your bid of 50k for a Corn? Did you really think you wouldn't be outbid?

Undertow November 30 2005 7:42 PM EST

50k does not a corn get. Get about... oh.... 4 mil?

FailBoat[SG] [Forever Alone] November 30 2005 7:49 PM EST

I can hope. And I was trying to hope that someone wouldn't notice it was that low since it was way too close to the end of the auction.

onlyyouknow November 30 2005 8:13 PM EST

I really doubt. A bid close to 2 million should be good enough to win those corns.
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