BMVG: Alatar's Gloves (in General)

Karmic Mishap [Soup Ream] December 1 2005 2:57 PM EST

OK, the week's going by and most people are either not voting or voting at random. Let's at least not waste the week's votes and try to spawn the AGs, which are far in the lead. Vote here as to what next week's item should be.

My vote: Corn (again)

chappy [Soup Ream] December 1 2005 3:01 PM EST

I put my vote on the MCM this week ... It still is the best armor for enchanters .. and hey .. who doesn't need / have an enchanter??

I know that there are a lot of mages around, but I think the AGs are coming down in price a lot ... CORN is always a good way to go and if we could squeeze one out I guess a MH, but for 150 votes I don't think we can do it right now ...

Quark December 1 2005 3:18 PM EST

And there are how many MCM's in auctions this week? When I listed mine there were 4 others. Corns are THE must have fashion accessory for the runways this winter!

Karmic Mishap [Soup Ream] December 2 2005 9:49 AM EST

Pair of Alatar's Gloves 47 83 43.4
Let's Vote!!
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