Aww crap (in Public Record)

Sukotto [lookingglas] December 2 2005 5:16 PM EST

Well, my manager says he's unable to renew my contract at the end of the year, so I'll be out of work come January 1st.

Kind of sucks. Between the baby and the condo we recently bought, we're stretched pretty thin covering our expenses. I figure we have enough $ to last a little longer than 2 (maybe 3) months before things get really hard. We might even need to move or dip into our retirement money. :-(

I'm still employed by a contracting company and they're trying to find another position for me. I'm also trying to find someone willing to hire me through a consulting agency.

So everyone please send some mojo my way ok?

Undertow December 2 2005 5:27 PM EST

What do you DO?

QBsutekh137 December 2 2005 5:31 PM EST

Sucks he couldn't give you a little more warning? Is a mere month advance to be expected?

Anyway, water under the bridge I suppose. I am sending all available mojo your way, to be sure.

AdminG Beee December 2 2005 5:36 PM EST

Is this a sign ??

Should you now go into the shocks and forks business ?

/me sends mucho mojo your way.

maulaxe December 2 2005 9:04 PM EST

as long as you don't have to go back to the 60's to get some...
resumes and ramen noodles, rock-rock on!

(hopefully it won't come to the ramen...)

YNM December 2 2005 9:38 PM EST

Gun'sLackey[YNM] (Your Older Minion) Sukotto MOJO! 9:34 PM EST

Sukotto [lookingglas] December 3 2005 1:56 PM EST

@BigDaddy: Technically, I'm a Web Developer and Webmaster for IBM. My job is (was) pretty broad though. Between instructing dev teams, dealing with clients, enforcing internal standards, etc.

@Sutekh: He only *had* to give me 2 weeks. Giving more was a kindness.

@G Beee & Maulaxe: naaa, I just read too much

@Gun'sLackey: :-). Thanks!

bartjan December 3 2005 2:11 PM EST

In the past, IBM meant a live time employment but sadly that's no longer true...

BrandonLP December 3 2005 2:30 PM EST

What IBM site are you at? I know I could pull some strings with BCRS in Boulder.

Sukotto [lookingglas] December 3 2005 5:21 PM EST

I'm at the TJWatson Research Center in Hawthorne NY. Bit of a commute to Boulder :-) but sure, I'm interested in hearing about any leads.

Probably best to use email (see my profile for the address).
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