Recruiting Clans, look here. (in General)

Bootsanator December 3 2005 9:30 PM EST

So, now that my score is consistantly above 1 mil, i'm having trouble staying in the bonus with a 1 man clan...basically, i have a big target painted on my back. so, i disbanded Ghostbusters and I'm looking to join a clan. I disbanded about 9 PM server time on saturday, so, i'll be able to join about 9 PM Monday.

I know trigger happy is recruiting, so, i'd love to join up, shade, if you read this! too bad i wouldn't be fightin Iluvatar anymore then, though (/me sheds a single tear).

So, if any Bonus clan would like to recruit me, that would be great. i earn a pretty good amount of clan points regularly, just by the virtue of me being OCD about spending BA and the fact that high up almost everybody is in a clan. I've got my NUB for another two weeks, and sometime after that i'll probably start a NCB character, but either way, expect me to be a contributor. (and, if i'm not, well, kick me out of the clan! :D )


BMWheatley December 3 2005 9:43 PM EST

There is room is SG Rubicon if you wanna come. We are always in the bonus. : )

Bootsanator December 3 2005 11:53 PM EST

well, it looks like i'm gonna be a llama on Monday! so, disregard this thread.
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