I got a fever... (in Off-topic)

QBBarzooMonkey December 3 2005 10:18 PM EST

I'm a little bored tonight - Mrs. Monkey is spending the weekend at her sister's house, as they are doing a marathon of Christmas cookie baking.

So, I decided to occupy waiting for BA time by writing some music. I did my usual, started with a drum track, then bass, then guitar and piano melody over the rythm track. It was going okay, and I'm liking it, but then I got a fever.

And the only thing that could satisfy that fever was some COWBELL!

And the funny part is, it really did sound way better...


Bootsanator December 3 2005 11:16 PM EST

Don't Question Bruce Dickenson!

Xiaz on Hiatus December 3 2005 11:25 PM EST

Did you really explore the studio space?

Sukotto [lookingglas] December 3 2005 11:26 PM EST

Or Christopher Walken.

QBsutekh137 December 4 2005 1:27 AM EST

You'd be doing yourself and the band a disservice if you didn't play the HELL out of that thing!

Stephen December 4 2005 4:44 AM EST

Max didn't come back for long, did he?
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