Karn//chelon deal (in Public Record)

Karn December 5 2005 10:22 PM EST

I am buying a Corn +7 from chelon for 2.65m. I am paying 1.35m now and will pay the rest back within two weeks.

Karn (Karn) chelon (ElvenBlackMage) $1350000 -- for Corn + 7 10:20 PM EST

Amount owed: 1.3m

chelon December 5 2005 10:23 PM EST

deal accepted
chelon (ElvenBlackMage) Karn (Karn) A Cornuthaum ($1034399)

Karn December 11 2005 8:45 PM EST

Karn (Karn) chelon (ElvenBlackMage) $1300000 -- Payment for Corn 8:45 PM

Finished payment. Thanks.

chelon December 12 2005 12:12 AM EST

All payment received thank you.
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