Idea For Rune of Enlightenment (in General)

Primordial December 6 2005 7:16 PM EST

I know it has 'lvl 20' beside it making it a tattoo, but I find it level part of it useless as this tattoo doesn't grow. So I was thinking why not have them grow meaning if you tattoo is at you Max Tattoo you get full affect. If at say 1000 and you Max is at 10,000 you're affect wouldn't be the greatest it could be. Doing this would make it more of a real tattoo maybe even have more experience gain with it (when close to MT) so people will still use it at high levels. Please reply with thoughts, opinions, more ideas for this great tattoo!

onlyyouknow December 6 2005 7:19 PM EST

Even with a level which boosts more experience gained, I doubt it will be used by many at the top level. The reason is simple, those at the top needs their big tattoos they have now in order to stay at the top.

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] December 6 2005 8:13 PM EST

Hi! Please check a slightly old general post of mine where I (with the help of others) figure out exactly what the RoE provides.


It's level has no bearing on that, and any change would adversly effect the Rune.
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