A note about trolls (in General)

Sukotto [lookingglas] December 7 2005 6:05 PM EST

Arguing or reasoning with trolls is a pointless exercise as it just feeds their sense of fun. The more you fight with them or become upset, the more glee they feel and the more likely they are to return to torment you.
You can find some good reading on trolls and how to handle them here:

Let the admins take care of CrackMonkey and his ilk. In the meantime please do not respond to him (or those like him). Don't acknowledge his presence in any way. Interaction just adds fuel to his fire and plays into his hands.

bartjan December 7 2005 6:13 PM EST

Don't feed the trolls

MaLicious [Ascendancy] December 7 2005 6:32 PM EST

Exactly what I was saying. Don't bother talking to him at all. All he wants is attention we stop paying attention and he goes away. He'll just go find another game to torment because he will get bored here.
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