Why does a 38k DM fizzle a 62k VA? (in General)

Quark December 8 2005 3:24 PM EST

E's Vampiric Aura fizzles under Dispel Magic

Toshi cast Dispel Magic on all enemy Minions (37,914)

My VA is a 62k & change after the Corn's effect. I thought it should have held out against that DM. Is the DM dispelling up to 38k worth of VA damage? What VA do I need to survive that DM?

bartjan December 8 2005 3:27 PM EST

Karn has 2x DM. For how much is the other one casting?

[MG]Mecca-Devilbot [Clan of One] December 8 2005 4:29 PM EST

Toshi cast Dispel Magic on all enemy Minions (37,914)
cast Dispel Magic on all enemy Minions (66,298)

there's your answer

although it's strange that DM stacks the against the opposing team, and i believe that a 5k DM vs 3 4.5k AS will wipe them all... haven't really tested that

(but if you have a team with more then one AS that casts below 4k, Chaith currently casts for 4000 - go test it)

[MG]Mecca-Devilbot [Clan of One] December 8 2005 4:29 PM EST

*4800, not 4000

Quark December 8 2005 4:32 PM EST


Quark December 8 2005 4:41 PM EST

Toshi cast Dispel Magic on all enemy Minions (37,914)
cast Dispel Magic on all enemy Minions (66,298)

I'll just go and stand in the corner, now. That's a 105k DM effect.

bartjan December 8 2005 4:48 PM EST

Try a different corner, it's a 66k effect...

QBsutekh137 December 8 2005 4:53 PM EST

The second (or final, if there are even more than 2) shows the accumulated effect. You don't add them up again, they have already stacked, and the final cast shows the total effect.

Quark December 8 2005 5:00 PM EST

I'll just go and stand in another corner now.
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