Supreme contest tracking thread # 4 (in Public Record)

Quark December 8 2005 4:21 PM EST

Continued from - Explosive won last week, contest in progress.

chappy [Soup Ream] December 9 2005 9:50 AM EST

chappy (Mordster) 'G' (Clan weekly prize) $20000 -- 2nd in! GAME ON! December 8 2005 3:21 PM EST

onlyyouknow December 9 2005 9:51 AM EST

For next week:
onlyyouknow (Goblet of Fire) Explosive (Clan Prizes) $20000 December 8 2005 10:41

Quark December 11 2005 9:59 PM EST


'G' 23,352
you 21,679
chappy 19,807
Ilovehellokitty 19,639
Explosive 16,946

Supreme II:
onlyyouknow 19,362
Biscuitback 15,727
AngryZac 12,245
Mr Bones 5,673
DonMega 3,137

The pot is mine. Explosive is running the contest for the next little while - he'll handle antes & scoring. I can't win this week, ante is 20k, my 100k is in the pot.

'G' (Scaglietti) Explosive (Clan Prizes) $100000 -- Pot starter 9:58 PM EST

Game on!

chappy [Soup Ream] December 12 2005 7:22 PM EST

chappy (Mordster) Explosive (Clan Prizes) $20000 -- GETthisPARTYstarted 7:21 PM EST

Quark December 18 2005 11:09 AM EST

For tracking purposes (Explosive has the pot):

'G' 22,989
you 21,236
chappy 20,432
Ilovehellokitty 10,723
Explosive 7,310

Supreme II:
Biscuitback 15,896
onlyyouknow 15,760
AngryZac 12,530
Mr Bones 8,489

That makes you the winner. Contest will likely be on hold until the new year.
This thread is closed to new posts. However, you are welcome to reference it from a new thread; link this with the html <a href="/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg.tcl?msg_id=001dFL">Supreme contest tracking thread # 4</a>