aupStar//MaL_the_Manic_Mage loan (in Public Record)

{CB1ate}aupStar December 10 2005 3:41 AM EST

Loaning 1.3mil to MaL_the_Manic_Mage for 8 days interest free! ^_^ This is so he can hire a new minion! =) Please confirm.

MaLicious [Ascendancy] December 10 2005 3:42 AM EST


MaLicious [Ascendancy] December 11 2005 5:10 AM EST

MaL the Manic Mage (Manic Mage) aupStar (Alucard) $550000 -- 50% PAID 5:09 AM EST

50% Paid

MaLicious [Ascendancy] December 11 2005 5:49 AM EST

My mistake that isn't 50% sorry if I got anyone worried

MaLicious [Ascendancy] December 12 2005 4:05 PM EST

MaL the Manic Mage (Manic Mage) aupStar (Alucard) $550000 -- 200k left 4:04 PM EST

200,000 left

MaLicious [Ascendancy] December 13 2005 6:13 AM EST

MaL the Manic Mage (Manic Mage) aupStar (Alucard) $200000 -- Loan Paid 6:12 AM EST

Loan paid, Thx for the loan aupStar
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