It hurts to be a Lions fan. (in Off-topic)

Mem December 13 2005 1:44 PM EST

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{CB1}stingiestbard [why] December 13 2005 2:41 PM EST

Why do you want to put salt in the wound?? I watch them every Sunday, every agonizing play, every 3rd and long screen or draw play that ends up short. Yet, I always come back for more. That is the futility of being a Lions fan, we are simply gluttons for punishment.

Mikel [Bring it] December 13 2005 5:18 PM EST

Well you guys better not act like you live in Cleveland and throw bottles on the field while my team is visiting this weekend.

QBBast [Hidden Agenda] December 13 2005 5:39 PM EST

"It was all born from simmering anger over the depths of how bad the team has gotten," ... at least all y'all are slow to anger.

Mem December 13 2005 6:03 PM EST

Personally, it is not my feeling that Millen is soley responsible for the Lions' ineptitude as of late. The fact of the matter is that since the Fords have attained ownership of the team we have won something like 3 or 4 playoff games in near 40 years. Their lack of football savvy has cost the Lions any chance to be competitive.

We can sit here all day and discuss this matter, but I will still remain a fan. I'm not entirely sure why. Sometimes loyalty just wins over all. It sure would be nice to be proud to be a fan though.

Special J December 13 2005 6:06 PM EST

I've always been glad that the first game I attended was a Colts vs. Packers, since age 7 I have been a colts fan. Never seem to be let down, I never thought they would top last season, but even with Manning lacking this year, the rest of the team has found that perfect mix.
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