Wiki Idea (in General)

Flamey December 14 2005 11:55 PM EST

im not sure if there is a page that has all wiki pages. i think there should be a link/page on the wiki home that says all wiki links/pages and they go down accordingly to alphabetical order. i know what the groups are for. so it doesnt get messy but sometimes i want a page just like it. tell me if its a stupid idea or not or if there is a page like it.


onlyyouknow December 14 2005 11:56 PM EST

There's one: List of all created pages.

Maelstrom December 14 2005 11:57 PM EST

Alphabetical indexing of the pages makes sense.

Flamey December 14 2005 11:58 PM EST

oh thanks, sorry about that no need for more posts now
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