looking for admin. approval (in Public Record)

Kelelle Son of Jor-El December 20 2005 8:12 PM EST

My daughter would like to start playing CB2, we share a computer. I know there can not be any transfers between the chars, But I am seeking administrator approval before she sets up an account, as I do not want to be labeled a multi and booted. Thank you!

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 20 2005 8:14 PM EST

I believe it's not entirely that restrictive, there just can't be any one sided transfers...

Doc [girl power] December 20 2005 9:03 PM EST

You are free to sell stuff to here as long as its at market value and posted in the Public Record.


InebriatedArsonist December 20 2005 9:48 PM EST

Transfers between accounts on the same IP aren't completely against the game rules, but avoiding such transfers can certainly cut back on multi accusations.

Special J December 20 2005 11:07 PM EST

As has been said in the past,

No one sided transfers, this is defined by feeding items or money to one account from another.

Kelelle Son of Jor-El December 21 2005 12:35 AM EST

thank you for all of your responses. I don't plan on competing with my daughter since I have been playing for a while and she is new. I have seen so many multi accusations on here and don't want to lose what I have worked so hard for. If my daughter reads this I wish you the best honey, but you have your work cut out for you...
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