Very Very Strange Bug. (in General)

Stephen Young December 21 2005 6:53 AM EST

This is odd. As I fight my favorites list, the people in the list dissapear. I am not deleting them, the fight actually happens on the right frame. They aren't gone from the list (when I click on edit, they are all there), but they dissapear from the dropdown untill it is empty. I click on standard, then favorites and they are back.

Mikel [Bring it] December 21 2005 6:54 AM EST

Best way to fix this is to log off, close window and come back.

Stephen Young December 21 2005 6:56 AM EST

Refreshing left panel didn't work. Logging off did.

RAMPAGE December 21 2005 7:15 AM EST

We had this bug back in the early days of CB2.
Looks like Jon may have re-installed with the server upgrade yesterday.

Mikel [Bring it] December 21 2005 7:16 AM EST

I've seen it off and on since i've been playing. So I don't think it's just happened again.

bartjan December 21 2005 7:20 AM EST

There was no server upgrade yesterday.

SNK3R December 21 2005 7:21 AM EST

Looks like Jon may have re-installed with the server upgrade yesterday.

Jon never installed anything yesterday due to unforeseen circumstances. It was moved to later today.

Maelstrom December 21 2005 9:03 AM EST

I used to get that bug all the time when I used Internet Explorer. I haven't had it once since I switched to Firefox.
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