Yet another strange glitch? (in General)

QBJohnnywas December 23 2005 7:43 PM EST

Ok, I just logged on and my char Rosalynd is sitting at 4649 score. Nothing weird there. But the opponents list - in standard mode - was in the region of a million score. I trained and it went back to where it should be. But it was a little bit weird all the same....

Ox [StephenMelinda Gates Fund] December 23 2005 7:44 PM EST

You know you can just hit the reset button next to the opponents list to reset it to your score instead of training.

QBJohnnywas December 23 2005 7:45 PM EST

Yup. But that didn't work and neither did refreshing the frame. It was only 'train' that corrected it.

Xiaz on Hiatus December 23 2005 8:11 PM EST

Your character is aiming high, or he has potential to. :)

RAMPAGE December 23 2005 8:14 PM EST

Or he has a death wish. =)

QBJohnnywas December 23 2005 8:15 PM EST

Lol. ;)
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