carnage blender 1 room (in Off-topic)

Asian Man December 28 2005 12:01 AM EST

IMO there should be a CB1 room where people can chat about the good times, fight about the bad times, and just chat.

just for the memory of CB1.

just create the room "CB1" and hopefully more people will join.

if you guys think its bad idea post here, but again IMO it is a good idea

Vaynard [Fees Dirt Cheap] December 28 2005 12:02 AM EST

I like the idea. Not sure how well it'll work, but it's a good way to remember CB1. See you all around.

{cb1}dyno December 28 2005 4:31 AM EST

cb1 was the carnage blender that really got me waking up in the middle of the night to burn BA, and it's sad to see it go. I will be in room Carnage Blender 1 all times that my computer is on. Feel free to stop by and talk about the good times that we had, all the way up until the end.

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