making me a image (in Contests)

Angel of Death [Hell Blenders] December 28 2005 6:36 PM EST

make me a pic of the angel of death (thats the grim reaper but with wings)
ill chose a winner and he get 250k (im in the x-mas mode)
start your drawings, i pick the winner next Wednesday

AdminG Beee December 28 2005 8:54 PM EST

Not made for you but I picked up this Grim Reaper from Google Images.

Xiaz on Hiatus December 28 2005 10:01 PM EST

So what is the difference between the Grim Reaper and the Angel of Death? I mean besides the wings, :P.

Asian Man December 28 2005 10:51 PM EST

do we have to draw this picture?

Angel of Death [Hell Blenders] December 29 2005 5:16 AM EST

the difference is the wings only(thats the only difference between grim reaper and angel of death, dont ask me why), and you dont have to draw them
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