Botcheck Freezes (in General)

Dark Dreky December 28 2005 11:31 PM EST

For the past few days, my firefox has been freezing everytime I try and type in a botcheck. Has this ever happened to anyone? I've failed about 5 today for about 30k a piece, its KILLER!

I have an Apple computer, I'm sure that has something to do with it... any ideas?

SNK3R December 28 2005 11:37 PM EST

<Special_J> update firefox
<Special_J> to 1.5

That's what he suggests.

Special J December 28 2005 11:39 PM EST

I thought he was in there when I said it, scrolled up and he had either left of locked up again prior.

Update firefox to 1.5, and what extensions do you have installed?
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