Ranged / DD - Priority (in General)

Tyra January 3 2006 5:47 PM EST

here's a question:

I wonder why when using a bow for ranged the DD-Spell
won't be used in Melee, but the bow..

I know that it is possible now to use bows in melee too.
But the bad thing for example:

I moved XBow over to an Enchanter with Base Decay,
only to find out later that Decay won't be cast anymore
in melee.

I couldn't move it back because of the 8 hour thing, which btw I think is not a good thing, at least it just sucks a lot of times.
Then I moved it to my mage, and see, he won't cast CoC anymore....

So is this planned ? Or just something that can be fixed ? Or my mind playing tricks on me ??

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] January 3 2006 7:16 PM EST

Not sure what's going on here. Could be a decay thing.

I just equipped a sling + ammo on my CoC mage, the sling shot in all three ranged rounds, but in melee, my CoC was cast instead.

(CB1)logan666 [Jago] January 3 2006 8:04 PM EST

I just put a crossbow and ammo on my decay enchanter and he used his decay instead of the xbow so it's not a decay thing. DD spells always take precedent over weapons so I don't know what is happening to you. Perhaps it is like you said and that your mind is playing tricks on you.

Tyra January 3 2006 9:10 PM EST

Hmm... now i put it on.. and it works as it should..

so i dunno what was wrong...

I even remember getting only DecayReflection (AMF) back like 3k only.. instead of 50k...

well it has been a long day
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