January 3 2006 9:32 PM EST
Just in case you hadn't heard by now I figured I would at least link you guys this info.
Windows Metafile Vulnerability
Anyone know where i can disable microsoft index service or google index service on my computer?
January 3 2006 10:15 PM EST
In Control Panel, Select Add / Remove Programs, Select Add / Remove Windows Components, Uncheck the Indexing Service
or simply change the Indexing Service from Automatic to Manual in the Services manager console.
Don't have the Google desktop searcher thingy
Oh Thanks, turns out I don't even have it checked in the first place.
While you're there disable Messenger Services also. This is not MSN Messenger but a network messenger service that if you don't know what it is you don't need and can be a point of vulnerability.
unchecked "Messenger Services" but what about networking services?
Leave your network services alone. They should be fine the way they are.
January 4 2006 12:41 AM EST
Thanks Vestax and logan.
Here are the details on disabling the Messenger Service, and why you would want to.
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