Haterz/Hotboy (in Public Record)

YOU January 4 2006 5:44 PM EST

I gave him $10 supportership in exchange for 1mil cb2. It is higher than normal. But then again, I only do this for chappy's mentee. He has no money nor credit whatsoever. He has 2 weeks to pay me back

[Cb2]Fool January 4 2006 5:59 PM EST

i guess i confirm this

[Cb2]Fool January 18 2006 7:38 PM EST

HoTbOyOuTsHiNyA (HoTbOyOuTsHiNyA) {CB1}Haterz (The Slayers) $1200000 -- loan all paid w/ 50k 7:36 PM EST

this is also paid the extra 150k loan she gave me in the beginning.
All Paid.
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