NFL Madden 06 X-Box Live Tournament (in Off-topic)

{CB1}Lukeyman January 7 2006 1:48 PM EST

Hey there!

I'm hosting a tournament on NFL Madden 06.

If you want to join email me at and I will explain it all

I hope to get about 16-32 people on this, as I am posting it on a few message boards im on.

So come on and join!

It'll be awesome!

{CB1}Lukeyman January 7 2006 3:24 PM EST

Anyone??? Please?

Blackheart January 7 2006 3:49 PM EST

i'll join. when is it

{CB1}Lukeyman January 7 2006 4:11 PM EST


Email me at please and I'll fill you in on everything!

More people Join!!

{CB1}Lukeyman January 7 2006 4:55 PM EST

Made a website where I'm going to keep stats and standings on the tournament.
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