Spaced (in Off-topic)

QBJohnnywas January 7 2006 5:44 PM EST

Just been watching this brilliant tv series Spaced again for the millionth time.

It's a British comedy and kind of sits somewhere between Woody Allen and Clerks, only set in London. The makers of the show made the film Shaun Of The Dead, which is essentially a film of Spaced under a different name. And with more zombies.

Lots of film and tv references for those film and tv geeks, sorry buffs amongst you.

If you want to find out more about it check out this site:

Just thought I would share that with you....

Now I'm going to sit down and watch 'League of Gentlemen' - another British tv series, not the awful film adaption of Alan Moore's graphic novel.....

Mem January 7 2006 11:41 PM EST

I shall certainly check that out! I loved Shaun of the Dead!

And The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen was, indeed, a very poor screenplay. That is not to say the same of Alan Moore's work.

Chorlton January 8 2006 2:07 AM EST

Red Dwarf has always been a seriously funny british comedy.Spaced is excellent and reminds me of so many student flats I've seen:)

Zoglog[T] [big bucks] January 8 2006 10:47 AM EST

Why oh why did she have to go on to make "According to Bex"?

That was one program that made me cry in agony.

QBJohnnywas January 8 2006 10:51 AM EST

Yup, that was absolute rubbish!
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