X Box 360 (in Off-topic)

Doom Lit Sky January 8 2006 11:51 AM EST

I'm looking for people to play xbox 360 with.

I own every game.

I'm only interested in finding people to play the following games though:

Call of duty 2
Quake 4
Perfect Dark Zero

My gamertag is Doom Lit Sky, I've only really been playing PDZ lately. So reply here with your gamertag, and I'll add you.

I won't add you if you just send me a random friend request, you must reply here. (I get an average of 4 requests a night from people who I completely destroy, some of you know how that goes...)

Maybe if a few of you are interested we could have friendly tournaments in any of the said games. :)



[DoH]Link [Defenders of Hyrule] January 12 2006 7:53 PM EST

i hate 360

5583 days old {Gaza} January 16 2006 3:10 AM EST

"Hi I'm looking for someone to play a MS game with... does anyone use MS? Anyone? ANYONE?... does no one like using games made by MS? oh... right; you're saying MS coding breaks regularly?"

CmdrHawkeye January 18 2006 11:58 AM EST

360 = OVER PRICED Junk with very little change in graphics. Wait for PS3

IndependenZ January 18 2006 12:13 PM EST

/me waits :p

Sorry though, DLS. I know it's nice to play with people you know :)

QBsutekh137 January 18 2006 12:36 PM EST

Holy fanboys, Batman!

AdminJonathan January 18 2006 12:41 PM EST

live arcade is the 360's killer app for me

still not willing to pay early adopter price tag, though

maybe when Knights of the Old Republic 3 comes out; that's what sold me on the first xbox :)

Blackheart January 18 2006 12:44 PM EST

if you doubt the 360's graphics play madden 06. even on a standard TV it will blow your mind

Zoglog[T] [big bucks] January 18 2006 12:49 PM EST

Cmrd, the reason you haven't noticed the graphic change is because they are suited best to high definition televisions (which incidentally will be compulsory in UK by 2010 due to new digital television).
I still don't like the Xbox 360 for anything but thought that needed to be defended.

CmdrHawkeye January 18 2006 1:26 PM EST

Are the making Knights of the old republic 3 for real? I like the 1st 2 a lot. I hope it comes on PC cuz I won't buy X Box

CmdrHawkeye January 18 2006 1:28 PM EST

Al right I will drop the graphic part from the sucks catagory due to your debate. but I still think it is a overpriced piece of junk.
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