TuffBunny101/chelon deal (in Public Record)

chelon January 11 2006 2:14 AM EST

Selling DB+37 to TuffBunny101 for 2.7 mil, 1mil down and rest in 2-3 weeks please confirm if you agree.

TuffBunny101 [girl power] January 11 2006 5:16 PM EST

I agree

TuffBunny101 [girl power] January 11 2006 10:09 PM EST

but it looks like you only want 2.5mil now

chelon January 12 2006 3:51 AM EST

i am selling another pair +39 for 2.5min 2.75 bin on auction.. which has nothing to do with our deal. either send the money or send the boot back we could just cancle the deal.

TuffBunny101 [girl power] January 12 2006 4:12 AM EST

TuffBunny101 (son of Lorhar) chelon (ElvenBlackMage) $1000000 4:09 AM EST there youo go 1million I will pay you another 1.7 mil in about 2 or 3 weeks thanks

chelon January 12 2006 4:24 AM EST

payment received looking forward for the rest in 2-3 weeks thank you

TuffBunny101 [girl power] January 21 2006 5:10 PM EST

TuffBunny101 (son of Lorhar) chelon (ElvenBlackMage) $1700000 5:07 PM EST there you go your paid in full nice doing bussiness with you
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