The character known as "prodigy". (in General)

PirateKing January 11 2006 3:28 PM EST

I was scouting out potential opponents today and came across a character called "prodigy".(his score is 278,359 if anyone wants to take a look) What is odd is the response I got when trying to inspect him. I got the "The nameless one, if he really exists, is too much for you to handle" message one normally finds when trying to look too closely at the blacksmith.

Jon, is this some kind of bizarro experimental test character you are working on?

Ox [StephenMelinda Gates Fund] January 11 2006 3:30 PM EST

probably got banned or something along those lines

PirateKing January 11 2006 3:34 PM EST

Nuts. I forgot to add an "n" to the word "know" in the thread title. Now I look like even MORE of pudding head.

Ox [StephenMelinda Gates Fund] January 11 2006 3:41 PM EST

hehe pudding head
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