Recruiting for The Order of Lolth (in General)

Dark Dreky January 15 2006 3:14 PM EST

Hey all,

Well the post probably doesn't even make sense considering there aren't races in the CB world. However, I would like to recruit members for my new clan The Order of Lolth. For those of you who do not know Forgotten Realms, Lolth is the Spider Queen worshiped by the Drow. So basically, the clan just has a Dark Elven theme. Looking for serious players (aren't we all?) with a minimum of +500 a day. Feel free to join, I'll accept if you seem acceptable ;p

/me sneers at Elven Blood.

Dark Dreky January 15 2006 3:15 PM EST

Well, the first sentence probably doesn't make sense because I had a different title for the post. Disregard the confusion. =)
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